New LawFit Challenge Dates!
The 2011 LawFit Challenge will be held October 13-15th, 2011, at the George Mason University campus! Check back for more information!
Announcing the Southeastern Lawfit Challenge
June 9-11, 2011
The Lawfit Challenge consists of a series of six fitness and job related competitive events. These tests have been found to be good predictors of an officer's fitness for duty. Think you've got what it takes? Then read more about the event being held and send back your registration form.
- Event flyer (Acrobat PDF)
- Registration form (Acrobat PDF)
Announcing the LawFit Fitness Leadership Workships
- 7, 8, and 9 April 2011
- 16, 17, and 18 June 2011
This workshop will provide your personnel with information concerning the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services’ job-validated physical abilities course and the National Center’s fitness tests developed for academy recruits and incumbent officers. Workshop participants will have the opportunity to learn a variety of assessment skills and training strategies for planning and implementing effective health maintenance programs for their agencies.
- Workshop Syllabus (Online)
- Workshop Invitation (Online)
- Workshop Invitation (PDF)
- Registration form (PDF)
For lodging you may contact:
The Comfort Inn University Center
Phone: 1-877-344-1230 or 703-591-5900
Ask for the LawFit Program special rate of $79.00/night
Contact Information:
For further information, please contact us:
Dr. David Bever
National Center for Public Safety Fitness
Phone: 703.993.2071
Contact Form
If you should have a question or comment regarding the LawFit web site, please use the form below to contact us.
Required fields are listed with an * and are bold.